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July 27 2020
No one knows the exact extent that this pandemic will affect how we go about daily life in the future, but just as with historical events in the past, it’s clear that some things will remain changed
Lucas Family Pics_042020-15
July 20 2020
Despite the fact that we’re a dwindling part of the population (which is a tragedy through my 25-year-old eyes), I’m always thrilled to come across a fellow farm kid
July 8 2020
A dairy farm is not in the business of making milk. Say that out loud to yourself. A dairy farm is not in the business of making milk
June 30 2020
For farmers, working with family can be an awesome blessing or one of life’s greatest challenges
June 15 2020
As humans, we often make extra food purposely, so that we have leftovers to eat the next day. That same philosophy doesn’t work for dairy cows, who need fresh feed daily
June 10 2020
It has happened! I taught a child to drive a tractor (supervised, of course)! I am not sure I could be more proud!
June 4 2020
Dear Jacob, A decade ago I introduced you to the world with my first "Around the Kitchen Table" column
May 20 2020
You might be thinking that with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules in place and limits on how many people can gather, your annual National Dairy Month farm tour should be canceled, too
May 18 2020
The concept of an agricultural spelling bee — Agribee — was started by a local Farm Bureau group in Northern California 16 years ago
May 4 2020
Last summer I had the opportunity to tour agricultural enterprises in Scotland and Ireland as part of the international dairy judging tour
March 23 2020
Farmers literally fed the Allied forces and the world’s war-ravaged citizens during World War II
March 13 2020
Concerns surrounding coronavirus are impacting people across the United States and around the world. As I write this blog, events are being canceled and travel is highly discouraged — all in an attempt...
Feb. 25 2020
In dairy’s labor availability crisis, many farms have focused on doing a great job of training whether they are hiring someone with limited or extensive experience
Feb. 17 2020
Michael Steele, University of Guelph, presented “Nutritional regulation of gut function in calves: colostrum and milk.” He shared the details about rearing newborn calves, and why those processes...
Branding Blog
Feb. 14 2020
Most farmers are passionate about their animals and the food they produce. Some farms turn that passion into a business, selling products directly to consumers. To stand out among the crowd, it
Jan. 20 2020
While we are not at $20 milk quite yet, a boost of over a buck is a step in the right direction. Mark Stephenson gave his predictions for the upcoming year in “The dairy situation and outlook for...
Dec. 9 2019
Last week I taught class of high school juniors and seniors about marketing, and we were discussing where their target audience would be using social media
Nov. 26 2019
Another perfect fall day in the Northwest. Sun shining through perfectly colored leaves. A crisp, fresh air without a cloud in the sky
Nov. 11 2019
TikTok is a global social network based on video content that started in China. The audience is mostly younger people (under 30 years old), and it is around the size of Instagram with about 1 billion users
Nov. 8 2019
Many of you come from small dairy farms like I did. For some, family members make up the entire labor force that must complete the daily work associated with dairy farming